Thursday, April 25, 2013


Last Name DOB DOD Age
Smith Aug. 25, 1893 Dec. 5, 1918 25
Hicks Feb. 8, 1888 Dec. 11, 1918 30
Anderson Aug. 10, 1846 Sept. 27, 1917 71
Anderson July 25, 1876 Aug. 13, 1919 43
Thomas Mar. 10, 1870 Oct. 16, 1918 48
Holt  July 20, 1866 5-Jun-20 54
Williamson Mar. 29, 1881 Aug. 18, 1918 37
Juhan  Mar. 1, 1883 Dec. 15, 1918 35
Murphy Jan. 23, 1857 Apr. 21, 1917 60
McElroy Nov. 16, 1861 Nov. 26, 1917 56
X Dx dx lx Qx
0-9.9 0 0 1 0
10-19.9 0 0 1 0
20-29.9 1 0.1 1 0.1
30-39.9 3 0.3 0.9 0.33
40-49.9 2 0.2 0.6 0.33
50-59.9 2 0.2 0.4 0.5
60-69.9 1 0.1 0.2 0.5
70-79.9 1 0.1 0.1 1
Total 10 1

Last Name DOB DOD Age
Heath Oct. 15, 1893 Oct. 15, 1974 81
Streyer July 14, 1890 Oct. 24, 1966 76
Newberry  May 3, 1894 Mar. 7, 1980 86
Stewart Dec. 28, 1895 11-Jun-70 75
Sanford June 20, 1876 Sept. 22, 1962 86
Jones Sept. 23, 1895 Dec. 25, 1963 68
Montgomery 1896 1960 64
Clay  June 7, 1893 Oct. 9, 1977 84
Hough Nov. 11, 1886 Dec. 31, 1968 82
Hough June 11, 1890 Apr. 10, 1979 89
X Dx dx  lx  Qx
0-9.9 0 0 1 0
10-19.9 0 0 1 0
20-29.9 0 0 1 0
30-39.9 0 0 1 0
40-49.9 0 0 1 0
50-59.9 0 0 1 0
60-69.9 2 0.2 0.8 0.25
70-79.9 2 0.2 0.6 0.33
80-89.9 6 0.6 0.4 1.5

We found that the people that died in 1960-1980 lived longer than those who died in 1918 due to the spanish flu.

Topographical Map

Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Its peak is at 29,029ft.

Deep Sea Deep Secrets

Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
-a geyser on the seafloor that continuously spits out extremely hot water from the lava in the earths crust.  The water is mineral rich, mineral-rich water helps support a diverse community of organisms.  The vents create chimneys that grow up to 35ft tall.  The water in the chimneys has been measured to be 750 degrees fahrenheit. Fish, tube worms  eyeless shrimp, crabs, and clams are some of the organisms that harvest off the bacteria from the vents.  Plants can live in the dark at the bottom of the seafloor because of chemosynthesis. The vents are located where the earths crust is separating.

- the machine that is highly adaptable to do the research at extreme depths and pressure.  It was used to discover the hydrothermal vents.

Holger Jannasch and Woods Hole Marine Biological Lab
Holger Jannasch was a marine microbiologist who contributed to the study of microbial life in the extreme environment of the deep-sea.His main interests were the growth of microorganisms in the sea, and their existence of at the low temperature and high pressure of the ocean depths, and the microbial processes taking place at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. Jannasch discovered hydrothermal vents.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Lab 1

Lab 1

This is the location of the first lab. We conducted our first lab, finding the volume of rainfall in the parking lot.

Sun Trajectory

This assignment involved the tracking of the suns progress across the sky. Using a permanent pole in the parking lot we recorded measurements of the length of the poles shadow 4 times a day. Using the length of the pole which was 39 3/4 inches and the length of the shadow, we used the formula Tangent=opposite/adjacent to determine the angle in which the sun was in the sky. Also we were able to figure out what direction the sun was using a compass.

10:15 AM - Length of shadow 54 inches, angle of sun 74 degrees in NE sky
1:30 PM - Length of shadow 24 1/4 inches, angle of sun 164 degrees in SE sky
3:15 PM - Length of shadow 32 inches, angle of sun 124 degrees in NW sky
5:00 PM - Length of shadow 77 inches, angle of sun 52 degrees in NW sky

Sun Flower and Money Seed

Week 1: No Sprout

Week 2: No Sprout

Week 3: No Sprout; I packed down the soil to make it more firm

Week 4: The sun flower has sprouted about an inch

Week 5: The sun flower has grown to almost 5-6 inches; The money seed does not look like it's going to sprout. It's still very moist but has yet to sprout.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Flood of 1994

Payton Usher
Environmental Science
Dr. Rood

Flood of 1994
The flood of 1994 was a result of the tropical storm Alberto, which hit the gulf coast on July 4th.  The tropical storm caused terrible flooding throughout Georgia.  There were numerous deaths from the flooding of Alberto, and millions of dollars of damage.  Macon received the biggest impact of the tropical storm.  The large amount of rain caused the Ocmulgee River to rise rapidly.  The flood snuck up on many people, because it happened so fast.  Once the levee breached, water rushed through neighborhoods and completely destroyed home.  Witnesses said it was like pulling a plug out of the bath tub, the water just disappeared. Macon still to this day suffers from the destruction of the flood.